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Hi Friend!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and that's great because I am acutely aware of my mental health, haha! I had a thought recently and wanted to share it with you.

Human beings have been using stories to communicate since the beginning of human beings. When we were grunting around the fire and painting things on walls in caves, we were sharing stories. They are how we have passed on traditions and how we have grown and evolved. Humans are exceptional storytellers.

So let me ask you, what stories do you tell yourself? What stories do you tell yourself that you actually believe? 

I was talking to my counselor the other day. Shout out to Kelly by the way, she has been putting in the work. I told Kelly, I don't know if I am a good enough father. I don't think I'm a good enough partner. I don't know if I'm a good enough professional speaker. I don't know if I'm enough of a good enough friend. And as I shared more of these stories and spiraled I felt heavier and heavier. Those stories are a lot of weight. 

But, what if I'm wrong? What if the stories that we tell ourselves are in fact lies? What if you are enough? What if you're enough to be an incredible partner, leader, parent? Enough to move on from that breakup? Enough to deserve happiness and peace? What if we are enough to step into our big person pants and live a badass life and get out here and chase these dreams and get this bread?

I think you're enough. And I know something else, you probably think I'm enough. I need to believe you and you need to believe me. We're both enough. Let's carry less weight. Let's believe that story.
James and Tina LLC | 2139 Juliet Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55105